Vilsta, Eskilstuna

Resultat från rasspecialen i Eskilstuna 17/2 2024
Domare: Michele Utke Ramsing (DK)

Valpklass 1, tikar
1 HP, King of bear’s Nearly a bear
2 HP, Gamla bodens Nice o naughty Inez
3, Bear Croft Hubba bubba

Valpklass, hanar
1, BIR-valp HP, Krambjörnen’s Fire and ice
2, Newf-Dreams Spencer

Valpklass, tikar
1, BIM-valp HP, Lucky bear’s Unique Blaze
2, Lucky bear’s Unique Touch

Juniorklass, hanar
1, Excellent, Schimo’s Life is life

Juniorklass, tikar
1, BIM Cert CK Excellent, King of bear’s My Mercedes

Unghundsklass, hanar
1, BIR Cert CK Excellent, King of bear’s McLaren

Unghundsklass, tikar
1, Excellent, Lasydog’s Pippi Långstrump

Öppenklass, tikar
1, Excellent, Gamla Bodens Living La Dolce Vita
2, VG, King of bear’s I’m strong enough

Championklass, hanar
1, VG, Chiqui Bear’s Obelix

1, King of bear’s McLaren
2, King of bear’s My Mercedes

BIS 1, Krambjörnen’s Fire and Ice
BIS 2, Lucky Bear’s Unique Blaze
BIS 3, King of bear’s Nearly a bear
BIS 4, Gamla Bodens Nice o naughty Inez

Fotograf: Yasmine Hållén

Uppdaterat 26/2-24


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